1. Introducing VietCareer Employment Services

VietCareer Employment Services provides Employment Services to jobseekers to find a right job suit with their ability (experience and qualification) and their current circumstances. To be able VietCareer Employment Services to assist you to find a job soon, please follow the instruction in Part 2 below:

2. Trình tự đăng ký

To complete the Registration with VietCareer, please complete the below steps:

1. Step 1 : Complete Complete the part Register Account
2. Step 2 : Complete the part Information of Employment Seeking
3. Step 3 : Preview
4. Step 4 : Complete

After receiving your information, VietCareer’s consultants will contact you to discuss further about your job seeking details. After that, VietCareer, will find suitable jobs. If your profile matching with a job, our consultants will arrange a job interview for you to attend